Monday, April 25, 2011

Thanks to Your Support Pre-order Counts are Going Up!


Well, we have just about doubled the count since the last post. Yahoo!! Still a lot to go, but I feel very encouraged. Thank you for your support.

I discovered this morning, that I did not give clear instructions for finding the Special Offers link - sorry about that! For those who didn't figure it out, it's on the second page, after you click on 'dolls a to z'. The next page will have a panel on the right with selections - and, 'special offers' is one of them.

The new web site is still not running perfectly. I have help coming, but it's taking a while. If you find any mistakes, I'd appreciate hearing about them.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Fleece Pre Orders Up-date

Angela & Bear Cub

We have received about 30 pre-orders so far. We need 200, so there is work to do. I'm planning to contact people by email. Please don't be alarmed if you get one of these and have already pre-ordered. I don't have an easy way to match the orders to the list.

We are extending the closing date - for a few more weeks.